
Baby I worried too much. When I was pregnant, I was constantly worried that I will not love baby as much as I do with Zara. I just found new capicity to love her. How can you not love your own flesh and blood? Baby is good, she's more patient than Zara and even when she's hungry, she'll cry a little and wait for me to feed her (Zara used to cry and turn black every time we were a bit too 'slow'). She sleeps a lot still, but when she's awake, she likes to look around, checking us out. She was admitted back to the hospital for jaundice for 2 nights and now she's back home coping well. We still call her baby or mei-mei (Chinese : Small sister) since we haven't decided on the name yet. :( Zara Zara is doing very well as a jie-jie (Chinese: Big sister). We gave her a set of nice markers as a present from baby and also bought her a baloon when she came visiting, telling her she's now jie-jie to baby and mummy's assistant. She's very proud of her new titles. The first few days, she cried when baby cried for milk. She didn't want the Confinement Lady (CL) to handle mei-mei when mei-mei cried but insisted that "Mummy, sayang (Malay : pat) mei-mei. Don't want aunty (CL) sayang." She constantly wants to hug and stroke her mei-mei but unfortunately, she contracted chicken pox (probably from visiting mei-mei in the peadiatric ward) after mei-mei was discharged and we told her not to be too close to mei-mei for the time being.
Confinement Lady What's wrong with these people? They think so highly of themselves that they don't wash dishes, do house work or help out with the older kids even when they are just siting around doing nothing. I'm barely able to stand her, and Daddy is very tempted to get rid of her. She's more like a cook instead of a CL. Since I'm 100% breastfeeding, and I like to be a bit hands on (like cleaning baby's poo or topping and tailing baby) she doesn't have much to do.
Baby sleeps with me in the night, and when I naps. I wake up to feed her while the CL sleeps away. She cooks for me 3 meals a day, washes baby's clothes, bathes baby and that's about all she does. She doesn't help with Zara at all, nor anything else in the house. She sleeps when I sleeps (and sometimes before), and when Zara watches her VCDs/DVDs, she watches with Zara(but not to care for Zara, even small little things like giving Zara snacks or taking a drink for Zara from the fridge, CL will shout for Tuyam to do it). The only good thing that came out of this is she knows what I should and should not eat and make sure whatever I take help with milk production. With Zara (without a CL), my milk came on day 5. With baby, my milk came on day 4 and supply is pretty good. Me I'm doing fine but a bit tired. 2 kids vs 1 is very different.
When baby is feeding and Zara needs attention, I have to be tactful, or still give Zara the attention by talking to her or doing things with her with my free hand. I still try to spend as much time as I can with Zara so that she doesn't feel I'm neglecting her.
When baby is alert, I try to talk to her and carry her around to show her the house or look at new things.
I only get to rest when both of them are sleeping. Luckily, I can breastfeed while lying down, so in the night when baby wakes up for her feed, I just latch her on and continue to sleep while she feeds.
I'm not sure what is wrong with blogger but have been trying to post more photos but not able to after the hospital shot.. *sigh* May not be able to update or read blogs as frequently for now until things are more settled.
*welcomes your new Babe with open arms, hugs and kisses*
rest well, Mama. you deserve a very royal treatment from Hubby and family, yes? so exciting, so happy that you've given birth safe and sound!
Hi.. glad to hear from you again! And that your birth story is a smooth and quick delivery.
Congratulation on your newborn. It's tough to have a baby. It's even tougher to deal with the CL at times.
But don't let CL frustrate you in any way. You hv more important tasks on hand to handle. Rest well, and take good care.
Kiss Zara and baby for me *muack muack*
A, I feel a sense of dejavu reading your birthing experience, because I went through all that, no epidural for the first time (for the 2nd girl), the gas, the pethidine, and the love for the new baby. And the silly CL. And the more cooperative new baby. I went through all that. The similiarities were too uncanny.
And you are so right. 2 is very different from 1! It's early days, dun wanna scare you but you have to be prepared for the difference. LOL! Still the joy is double! Imagine that!! :)
Congratulations to you and your hubs and Zara jiejie. Rest plenty for the milk supply. Drink lots. And don't get stressed. Take good care.
Last but not least, welcome mei mei! (I call my fei mui mei mei too!! Heehee!)
So scary to hear about your CL? How much do you pay your CL? So when do you think you will kick your CL out? How would you rate her compared to the 1st one?
I'm going to due anytime soon, according to doc. And no more CL already, my aunt offers to help me out...thank god!
Take good care of yourself, ya. :-)
Yay! You're back. Congratulations!!!! Keep napping. YOu're doing a wonderful job so far!!!
Got nostalgic reading your birth experience. I was also induced but after one day and 1 night waiting, I did not dilate and had to do emergency c-sect.
Yours went on quite smoothly. Take care and looking forward to reading more about your new baby girl.
Been waiting for updates since Egghead announced meimei's arrival on his blog...
ops, sorry... accidentally sent before i finished... :D
CL always like that... mine didn't even wash Rachel's clothes... she instructed tina to do it... they see maid around, they act like boss with the maids... ALWAYS...
n'way, looking forward to more photos...
Welcome back, & congratulations!!
FInally!!!!!!!! I keep checking out to see whether you are back. So anxious. Now that you are back I am heaving a huge sigh of relief. COngratulations!
Get more rest, don't worry about posting yet. you can always "pay your due" later, after your confinement.
Blogger is always having problem.. that's why I've already shifted to wordpress while waiting for your good news.
Congratulations!!I'm so happy for you...
I'm so glad everything went smoothly. Try to get as much rest as possible. Can't wait to see the baby's pic.
wow! U are finally updating! I was checking on ur blog every other day for baby's pics...unfortunately...
have a good rest! U are doing marvellous! :)
Congrats..!!! glad to hear that you and baby .. and Zara are all doing well. :)
Get rested.. and try as much to get CL to do more work..!
Can't wait to see baby's pictures.. :)
Big hug to you and the baby, and Zara too ;P
Zara will be very helpful.. and will love to help you in any way she can. While you are caring for the little one, get her help to pass things and she won't feel left out ;)
Just ignore CL.. don't stress yourself over it.. just another few weeks.
Get Tuyam to place with Zara a lot when you feeding.. and you get some rest :)
Congrats! Glad to hear you and No.2 are doing well. Faster post pics of your second girl, yah?
Congratulations on your newborn baby!
As for your blogger problem, I think its the cable problem caused by an earthquake in Taiwan causing all Internet to slow down.
Congratulations! Glad that you had a smooth delivery. Rest well.
- Catherine
Congratulations to the new addition!
Get more rest in the meantime and don't worry about other things..as for the CL..hmm..i think they all 'graduate' from the same 'school'? :P
Send my kisses and hugs to Zara and meimei! Can't wait to see her pics! :)
Take care! :)
hey, welcome back! and congratulations to all of you.... i've been checking your blog constantly to see how you are and glad to see your comeback.
glad that things are running smoothly except for your CL. have been hearing alot of stories on CLs and they're enough to scare me off from ever hiring one.
get loads of rest and blog again when you're up to it...will be waiting patiently to see Zara's new "mei-mei"...take care!
I must say zara is a good girl/jie jie as she didn't feel jeolous at all!
Take more rest if possible!
Congratulations again!!
Yes, I also have bad experience on the CL. I kick her off not even 1 mth. Can really tahan cos she dun even help me to do housework and I have to pay 2k+ just to cook for me sigh!
get a new CL LA!! Fast Fast!!! My Cl last time, not only 3 meals, got tea time. She served me so much food, i was yelling at her saying that she's making me FAT!
CONGRATS!!! Hands full leh. At least, u have some form of help. Me.... still got, MIL does the cooking. And that's abt it. Me, c-sect... got pain, still hv to care for Gordon's needs.
CLs all liddat these days. Next time, i'll just cater for food to be delivered, that's it. Saves a ton. The rest, i can kautim. Dont want her around to "took ngan took pei"
Congratulations! I'm glad that everything went well with the birth. She looks very much like Zara =) and it's great to see Zara being such a nice & loving jiejie! The CL - sounds v much like mine too except that she fights with me which channels to watch on TV. Maybe keep her on to cook lor...like I did.
CONGRATULATIONS on the newest addition in the family! =)
Royal treatment? I wish I could.. but hubby is helping a lot with caring of Zara, so at least Zara’s needs are taken care of.
Oh yah.. CLs are tough to deal with. *sigh*
Aiyo.. now you are scaring me.. I thought things are only going to get better no?
CL is RM2500. I wonder when I’ll really kick her out. I told hubby to hang on, but he’s really keen in carrying out the act.
1st one we kicked her out day 2 remember? 1st one for a rating of 0 to 10 (0 being really bad), I rate her 0. 2nd one, I rate her 4 or 5, bearable, but can do without.
Good that you don’t have to be faced with a CL!
Yeah, use that.. child care book taught us to use this term.
Thanks.. hey, when is yours coming?
Thanks.. our Dr was great! He did everything he could to let us have the baby smoothly.
Yeah wor.. they always think they are don’t know how many levels higher than the maids we have.. *sigh*
Ok ok.. maybe I should soon consider wordpress.
Baby’s pix are up.
I’m switching to something else other than blogger soon.. promised.
Thanks! I’m trying to get CL to do more work to make it worth the money. But it’s hard to get these lazy bums to work.
Thanks.. I’ll have to get lots of tips from you on how to handle 2 instead of 1.
Domestic Rat,
Pix are out yeah.
Blogger problem caused by earthquake? I thought it’s just blogger problem.
Thanks.. I’m giving as many hugs and kisses to Zara as I possibly can. She has been such a great jiejie.
Hi, and thanks. Meimei’s photos are out.
CLs are a pain aren’t they?
For now, she still doesn’t feel jealous, not sure later if she will.
Simple American,
My Dr was there on both occasions, and he’s really great! He knew we wanted natural delivery and he did all he can to help us.
Desparate mummy,
Yeah! A lot to pay for a ‘cook’ right?
Wah.. you get 5meals? Mine.. lazy lar. Breakfast also sometimes asked me if I wanted just bread. :-|
I tried food catered before.. tasted horrible. *sigh*
If it’s not that I wanted to spend more time with Zara, I would not have hired one in the first place.
Wah, yours even fought with you on what to watch on TV? Mine tried to convince we to watch some ‘adults’ show’ instead of just watching Zara’s program. Think I’m going to listen to her.. Hah!
What's the name? Still haven't decided?
She definately doesn't look like Zara. :P She has long fingers, maybe she will be a tall gal. Congrats on your smooth delivery.
Good to hear that the baby, you and Zara are all well. It is so nice to hear that Zara has assumed the cheh-cheh role so well. Hope the chicky pox was not too bothersome for Zara.
Don't worry, things will get settled down sooner than you think.
having two little ones may be handful but it also brings double or more than double joy and satisfaction at the end of the day. take care.
I am glad to hear that you are coping very well after giving birth to meimei (will call her meimei until you and Zara decide the new name). Interesting to read your story from your blog pages. I wish we did something like that when Louise and Carmen were born. Now only the photos remind us of the happy moments. I think meimei will be a tall and pretty by looking at her photos. You must be very proud of Zara and meimei. :)
Pretty baby! Congrats!
HEY CONGRATS!! I thought your CL was recommended from ur SIL?
woohoo!!!!!!!! one day didnt log in and your blog becomes happening again!!!! i am sure Zara would be a great jie jie... most probably before that, when you mention mei mei, it is a foreign concept to her... that who is this funny person called mei mei to grab my mummy from me... but now, since she can "visualise" mei mei, she would be a great mummy's assistant!! cool mum!! hang in there... you are not "outnumbered" yet... one more before you and your hubby is "outnumbered"... hehehe... :P
p/s: go go go... migrate to wordpress!!!! wordpress good lah!!!!
Hi Agnes, congrats on the new arrival. Wow, you worked until very close to your delivery, didn't you? Very impressive. Both of your girls are beautiful. Sounds like you're all doing well. Thanks for sharing the news.
Take care,
Patrice (Wondercheck)
Congrates on the arrival of no.2. CL nowadays are like that, they simply refused to assist in anything extra despite the high pay :(
Congratulations! Been keeping a close watch on your blog on your latest news.
Glad to know that baby and you are doing well.
Speaking of CLs, I had the same one for all my 3 kids but during the last one, she walked out after 2 weeks just like that. So I ended up not paying her except for the initial RM200(can't remember) deposit. Good thing, I had my maid so MIL ended up bringing food over for me.
Haha, no more CLs, no more babies for me! What a relief! :-)
CONGRATS! Zara must be all excited. A new sibling .... nice!
CONGRATS!!Baby born a day after my birthday. Sorry for the late wishes as I was back in Kuching and was very very busy after that...Take care and rest more..
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