Some of you would have known by now that a blogger SCB (Lisa) went into coma since 8th April.
A few of us visited her today in Gleneagles Hospital. She's breathing on her own and her heart rate is normal, but the cause of her collapse is still unknown. She seems to be responding to voices, as when Seng Kor called out to her, she heaved a big sigh (just like yesterday with Jomel's visit).
Linpeh is collecting well wishes and voices of bloggers, and will be compiling them into a CD. We hope it will get played to SCB (Lisa) and will rouse her from her deep sleep. For those of you who are interested, please record your voices, and send them to xymalaysia@yahoo.com.
Most of my readers I believe are parents, voices of your kids singing, or talking would be good too, especially since SCB (Lisa) has a daugther. I will be sending Zara's singing and well wishes.
Please remember her in your prayers.
About the Linpeh's project, please click here.
Note : Mamabok is calling bloggers all over the world to say a silent prayer for SCB (Lisa) tomorrow. 19th April 2006 - 1pm (M'sia time); 19th April 2006 - 2am (Canada Time).
Bless your kind heart.. Zara's mummy .. for linking my blog. :)
I feel so sad for her too! Will try to record YChing's wiches and send to her!
Such a sad thing to happen.. :-(.. but also nice to see so many people trying to help her too :-)..
The time zone is different in Canada.
It's 2am Canada Eastern time, My time will be 11 pm.
I am sending some information out to my friends who is Christian in KL, hope she can pray with us too.
Sad for her too. She is in our prayers..
I am so touched that bloggers from all over are doing their best.. *pat on your backs*
Poor her. Hope that she sense all of ur call and wake up. Just did a silent prayer for her.
Yes, let's all pray and i'm sure she can hear us and will definitely wake up..i believe..
Oh...Bless her lotsa health!
I will keep her in my prayers...
I won't be able to record my support, but will keep her in my prayers. Hope she'll wake up soon.
Read Jomel's blog with a heavy heart. Left a comment in SCB's blog. Ordered her to WAKE UP if she wants to try the 'siew yoke' in Pudu (cos I'm working in Pudu mar).
I'll be praying sincerely for her.
Thanks all.. hope what we are doing will rouse her from her deep sleep.
SHe will recover soon....Will keep her in our prayers daily!
It's a pity. Just last month we were having a wonderful time at the gathering and now this has to happen.
Great work!
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