Putting on her arm float for her (Her neck float was getting a too small for her already).
Being in the big pool is different for her, she can't touch the ground, so she was clinging on to me.
I managed to let her lie on the water to float for a few seconds without holding on to me. What an achievement for her! Or course, we gave her lots of cheers as well!
I then got Daddy to look after her. Zara was 'demanding' Daddy to bring her to the small pool, and then big pool and then small pool ..., not being able to make up her mind. "This one not nice, that one nicer, Daddy go there *point to the other pool she wasn't in*" I just ignore Daddy's complaints about Zara making him run around and had a good swim.
I used to swim a lot when I was pregnant with Zara, going to the gym (with pool) at least twice a week to swim for 20mins (non stop). Since we moved and it's too far for me to go to the gym (and anyway I discontinued my membership), this is the first time I went for a swim after I knew I was pregnant.
I told Daddy we have to go to my sis' place more often to swim. For the benefit of Zara and myself.
So ngam! I also let my girls play with their pool last weekend!
this reminds me of an old song I've heard of yonks ago...
Splish splish, I was takin' a bath
Long about a Saturday night
A rub-a-dub, just relaxin' in the tub
Thinkin' everything was alright...
let zara swim more! very fun one! also teach her to jump into the pool! LOL!
Swimming is a very good exercise for pregnant women. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a swimmer.
Yes, take the opportunity to swim more while Zara can play with water.
Ahh..it's been ages since we brought Damien to the swimming pool..he is not interested, he told me: "Swimming pool no good,because my feet cannot touch the ground." ??!!??
Zara is really a brave girl, i believe Damien will scream if i were to let him float on his own! *shakes head*
Nice fun.. mum and daughter :)
She is brave in water.. very good.
I wish I could do more swimming too.. *sigh*
swimming good for muscle toning. had not swimmed after landing my big "fish". the last time was at penang shangrila with former gf.
Is the paint ok to use on the body?
Looks like Mommy & Zara had fun on both occassions. Is the paint water-colour paint..err...will irritate the skin or not? Otherwise, will try it out with my kids coz seems like Zara is loving it, hor?
Weather so hot, I guess it’s good time to permanently bring out the wading pool.
Rub-a-dub dub, who is in the tub..
Hee hee.. I don’t know any songs related to this.. :P
I won’t push her down the pool like you did with LLS.. I’m not as wicked ma.
Yeah.. I know swimming is really good for pregnant women.. I want to see if I can persuade hubby to do this every weekend, the least.
Is he ok when he’s in a small pool? He doesn’t like water or just fearful not being able to touch the ground?
Maybe later, Damien will be more brave now. For now, he’s still a ‘little boy’. :P
Yeah, she’s quite brave in the water.. Which is good.
This is the time when I wish I stay in an apartment and have access to the pool all the time.
See Fei,
Wow.. that must be a long long long time ago.
Wifey not someone who likes to swim?
Domestic Rat, Immomsdaugther,
Should be ok, because it’s supposed to be ‘non-toxic’ and it’s by Crayola meant for kids. So far, Zara doesn’t have any allergy reaction to the paint, but then again, she doesn’t leave it on for long.. only a few minutes and it’s washed off.
Yes, Zara really likes to paint (and maybe just to create a mess) and swim!
So nice. It's nice to soak in a wadding pool on a hot day. Too bad we don't have the space.
You swam that frequent when you were pregnant with Zara? Wow, that's cool. Apart from walking, I did not such exercises.
Now I don't even have a chance to swim cos Gavin has been sick intermittenly. Hope he'll get a dip real soon.
Ah may.....Seeing ZMM in the pool also reminds me of a Anne Murray's song. Wakakakaka!!!!
i like swimming too...
but more interesting about the waterable paint, can found in Singapore?
must ask mmy to buy for me too!
Yes.. on a hot day, it's really nice!
Yeah, I swam regularly, and went for pre-natal yoga. With this pregnancy, I do nothing.. except working out with Zara, like going for a walk with her, or carrying her around.
Really hope Gavin will get better soon.
Which one? I Just Fall In Love Again?
Can.. Crayola can be found more easily in SGP than M'sia.
Sigh, my boy hates the float, so we have to "carry" him in the water!!! So tiring leh... I also swam when preg with Justin, it's really good exercise for preggies. But due to complication second pregnancy, I didn't swim at all and gained weight faster! So, better exercise moderately during preg.
The song is "There's a hippo in my tub"
**kuat kuat lari**
wahh she's not afraid of water huh...mine was so scared, she end up sitting by the poolside and just kicking water :(
I like Zara in her American Flag tank top. So sweet!
Zara doesn't like to float too, but we just have to make her wear it. It's tiring to carry them around although the water help with the weight.
Actually, it's mummy too kiamsiap, always buy clothes too big for her, so she can wear longer, but at the mean time, have to tie a knot so that the strap won't fall off her shoulders. :P
Simple American,
The thing with Zara is, she doesn't paint or draw on the walls or furniture. She knows what she can and cannot do. But maybe I should have taught her to paint and wash the car.
Zara has Daddy's hidden double eyelids, but my lashes, and eye size. I have very prominant double eyelid (which runs in the family), but Zara didn't get that. *sigh*
Cocka Doodle,
*voodoo Cocka's leg* What did you say again?
Yeah, she isn't afraid. I remember when she was an infant, she used to be petrified of taking a bath, then I bought her a natural sponge to play with in the bath, and that changed her perception of water forever.
Thanks.. it's a bit too tight for her now, but still I just let her wear it.
Hailey loves the pool too. I started her in lessons around 7 or 8 months, so that she won't be afraid of water.
I was adult before I learned how to swim.
you could enrol again at FF next to our office?:)
I cannot see the pics... it says the server is busy?? I'll come back to checkout those photos.. :-)
Wow.. Hailey has lessons! Can she swim now? I wonder if they have lessons for such young kids here in M'sia.
They don't have swimming pool though. Not many gym has actually.
Come back later then.. and see this Cocka mean or not to say such things.
nice to be in the water on a hot day. zara really enjoyed playing with the water. have you thought about enrolling her in a swim class?
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