This blog started as a blog for my daugther, Zara, whom we were blessed to have after 5years of trying and praying. We have then moved on to my own domain, after our 2nd girl, Zaria was born. Now this will be my space, for my views, my recipes, my take.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Adios 2005 Welcome 2006

Friday, December 30, 2005
Off Today
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Favourite things - books

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Introducing Formula
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Home This Week
Christmas and Boxing Day

After the hospital we went to MIL's place. Daddy helped to paint the grill there, and I tried to get Zara to nap on the thin and narrow piece of padded cloth MIL provided. When I told Zara to sleep, she just leaned back so suddenly, and the thin material didn't cushion her head, so she knocked her head and cried. It took me some time to pacify her. For the rest of her nap, I had to stay with her just to make sure she didn't turn (and move out of the narrow cloth) and knock her head on the floor. I also took a mental note that the next time if we need to let Zara nap in MIL's place, we have to bring our own little matress.
Because I had stayed up very late the last few nights to blog, when it was time for dinner, I had this massive migraine (it always comes when I don't have enough sleep). When we arrived at the restaurant, I had no appetite to eat, and after just a few mouth full of rice, I retched. I got MIL and SIL to feed Zara dinner, while I rested in the adjoining furniture shop (which was also part of the restaurant).
It was a very bad night for me, went to the toilet many times to throw up, and the throbbing headache was very unbearable. I had an early night, and reminded myself I should not blog or blog surf till too late.
On Boxing Day, I was feeling better, since I had 1ohours of sleep the night before. We visited my friend, Sandy, who'd given birth almost a month ago, together with another close friend YC and her son Bryan. I have to say new borns do grow very fast, the baby looks very different from the time we visited him in the hospital.
While we did some catching up, the kids had a great time in Sandy's place, playing with Sandy's eldest daugther's toys.
Here's a shot of them, Kei Kei (Sandy's niece), Yen Mae (Sandy's eldest daugther), Bryan and Zara.
In the evening, after a bit of rest at home, Daddy decided to bring Zara to the Shah Alam Lake Garden. Zara again had a good time running and walking about in the park. She was curious about almost everything she saw on the floor, the ice cream wrapper, the fallen leaves, the tall grass. I almost freaked out every time she bent down to touch something (I can't stand her getting dirty).
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas Celebration - Photos

Cool kids in the family
Zara enjoying some of the adults' food
Zara in good spirit
Zara with the men in the family
Zara helping to distribute presents
Kids opening their presents (Zara with my help, of course)
Zara with her 2 favourite presents, a pair of shoes (from my youngest sis), and a play phone (from King's Wife).
The trees, ours (top left), King's wife's which was chocking with presents, and the empty tree.
Merry Christmas every one!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Another Addition to Our Family

My sister is also trying to breast feed her baby although she's having some problem (she has inverted nipple which makes suckling very difficult for the baby). The nurses in the hospital are very helpful, and will be helping her nurse using a nipple shield. Hope the little baby will cooperate and suck!
The next few days, besides going for our Christmas Eve family dinner, we'll also probably spend a lot of time in the hospital visiting my sis and the little one.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Solution to a Running-around Toddler
She takes it very well. Happy to reach her hand out for me to strap the wrist strap on her, and doesn't mind the confined area she could roam. However, people around her wasn't as optimistic.
Samantha, "She's like a dog" My reply, "No, she's not, it's just like holding on to her hand" Alicia, "My mummy (King's Wife) never used that on me" My reply, "Because last time you have Aunty Nora (their previous maid) chasing after you every time we go out" (And they happily helped me to hold on to the harness with Zara leading the way after this) And you get passerby throwing glances atThursday, December 22, 2005
Christmas Sing Song Project - White Christmas

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
13 month old
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Walking On Two Feet
Monday, December 19, 2005
Weekend with Daddy's boss - II

Weekend with Daddy's boss - I

Friday, December 16, 2005
Understanding Zara
Christmas Wish - Another Tag
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Latest addition to our family... of toys
. . . . . . . . . So, here is the latest addition to her toy collection. Not sure how long she'll be interested in Mr Pooh though.
(Fannie, I believe this is something that Ethyl will definitely love, Zara is not a fan of Pooh, in fact this is her first encounter with this 'species')
(btw, the shots above are my attempt on the DSLR; I still have lots to learn, but I realise the shots are very much sharper)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Mummy's Fault
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Busy Executive
Monday, December 12, 2005
Animals Sound and Addressing People
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Roasting a Chic and blabbering

Saturday, December 10, 2005
Shopping Day again

Friday, December 09, 2005
The Messy Eater - Photos say it all

Zara : Hahaha, This is so much fun!
Zara : Oh o, looks like my plate is empty already!

Thursday, December 08, 2005
Zara's First Album

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Zara Talking
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I don't want to sleep alone

Monday, December 05, 2005
Childhood food Tag
My Friend's New Baby

She also tried to imitate the baby's whimpering, and laughed at herself after that. For the ~2hrs we were there, she was very well behaved, playing with Daddy, looking at the baby from a far, walking about the room and checking out things, and of course eating (the bread my friend baked before she went into labour). When she became too chatty, and raised her voice, Daddy brought her out of the room for a walk.
I have been encouraging my friend to breast feed, and sharing with her all the benefits (my experiance with Zara). My friend who didn't breast feed her first baby because of lack of information, is trying to do it for this little boy now. She was telling me the Pediatrician told her that it's best to mix feed the baby for the first few days so that the baby won't get dehydrated, and then get jaundice. Although I think that's crap not true, I don't want to discourage her as well, and just said do what she thinks is best. It's better for the baby to consume even a little breast milk then totally none at all like her first child.
After we left the hospital, while in the car, Daddy & I were chatting about how small and helpless new borns were, and it's hard to imagine 12months ago, our boisterous little girl was just like that, it's just amazing how much she'd grown. It would be nice to relive those days of caring for a new born, so, we'll have to work harder on the 'project'. I just hope it won't take us another 6 years to get there.
I hope my friend's journey to breast feeding will be a successfully one, and all the best with her new born baby! Added at 11:05am : Breastfeeding does cause jaundice, but this is mainly due to insufficient milk for the first few days, and it's not life threatening. Readings : -website 1 -website 2Friday, December 02, 2005
Photo Moments

Thursday, December 01, 2005
Daddy's Fear
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Jusco Member's Shopping Day

Monday, November 28, 2005
Christmas Tree
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Typical Night Time Routine

And the latest addition, brushing her teeth with toothpaste at the sink..